April 5, 2019

Los Angeles Launches CSS IMPACT Financial Cloud

Shahid Chaudhry, Chief Tax Compliance Officer for the City of Los Angeles (right) Sergio Seplovich, Projects Director at CSS, Inc. (left) The City of Los Angeles […]
January 25, 2019

Los Angeles Adopts CSS IMPACT! Financial Cloud

January 25, 2019, LOS ANGELES, CA – The City of Los Angeles Office of Finance has launched implementation of their “NextGen” Cloud Financial Ecosystem, “CSS IMPACT! […]
November 19, 2018
auto loan software

What Can Auto Loan Software Do?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employee productivity grew just 0.3% annually between 2011 and 2016. Much of the lack of growth can be […]
November 15, 2018
debt collection system

4 Essential Tips for Choosing Debt Collection Software

Roughly 75% of American employees feel that they lack access to the latest efficiency-boosting technology. The Accounts Receivables industry at the forefront of technological evolution, which […]
November 12, 2018

Why You Should Utilize Financial Software Consultants

Previously, we explained the evolution of financial management tools and the limitations that come with using an outdated system. Now that your company has an up-to-date […]
November 12, 2018
legal case tracking system

Three Must-Have Features In A Legal Case Tracking System

The global enterprise software market is positioned to exceed $500 billion by 2022, which means there is a growing number of options for legal case tracking […]
November 1, 2018
San Francisco launches CSS IMPACT Financial Cloud

San Francisco CSS IMPACT Financial Cloud Success

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – The City of San Francisco Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector (TTX) exactly one year ago launched their first Cloud Financial […]
August 22, 2018
debt collection system

Some of the Ways Businesses Are Using Financial Software Services

The world has turned digital, which means staying up to date with the latest technologies for business process optimization and management is paramount to keeping up […]
August 20, 2018
legal case tracking system

What a Legal Case Tracking System Can Do for Your Firm

Utilizing the best legal case management tools available is imperative to accelerating productivity. Legal cases consist of a plethora of related documents, reports, expenses, fees and […]
August 17, 2018
student loan management software

Financial Management Software: Where Your Business May Be Lacking

The financial sector of every business is a complex entanglement of debts and receivables. When an account is not effectively tracked in real-time, the business could […]
August 6, 2018

The Evolution of Financial Management Tools

  Financial awareness within an organization is an essential part of successfully running an enterprise, which means implementing the right financial management software the controls every […]
July 4, 2018
debt collection software

3 Outstanding Benefits to Integrating Debt Collection Software

If you’re like the majority of companies, you use some type of financial software to handle a large chunk of your sales process. Yet, if you […]